
Certified Instructor: Elisa K. Pokral

Elisa K. Pokral brings both the Tai Chi and Chi Gong forms (indigenous to China) from the West Coast. She studied the Northern Yang Old Long form of Tai Chi under Master Cheng Tsang Lu in Utah where she also taught the form. She also teaches the Eight Treasures Chi Gong as taught by Linda Modaro, originating from Master Hua Ching Ni. Pokral is a certified Reiki III Master practitioner/teacher, taught by Master Reiki teacher, Christine Earheart in Indiana. Pokral is also a NIA White Belt, training which incorporates a focus of energy work in a variety of dance styles. Pokral has taught Tai Chi and Chi Gong at the university level and in community classes since 1995. She is also an environmental educator, a spokesperson, and a health advocate with an M.F.A. degree in Arts Administration and a B.S. degree in Mass Communications. She enjoys sharing the wisdom of the cross-cultural.

“Through my initial experiences as a child communing with the sky and the earth and playing in the woods and through practice and teaching of Tai Chi, I more strongly recognized my gift of connection with something larger than myself. Over the years, with the increased energy that was flowing, I knew I had to share it in a broader way. The cultivation of this energy has carries me through the joys, sorrows, and challenges of life. I have discovered in my gift of deep knowing that any painful experiences I have are there to help me and others grow on our soul paths. All is in divine order. We are each on a soul path that can be addressed more effectively with techniques I offer. As I have grown into what I have become today, I am humbled by how many blessings I receive from walking this path of healing, courage, truth, and of knowing and following my soul path. One of my blessings is to integrate all that I have learned and be of service to others along their journey. As I have evolved, so have my services.”
